The 16th meeting of the EABRN was started with singing the National anthem of Mongolia by Children’s choir of Mongolian Children’s palace.

National anthem, Children’s choir of Mongolian Children’s palace
Opening remarks were made by H.E. Mr. B.Bat-Erdene, Minister of Environment and Tourism for Mongolia, Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO office in Beijing, and Mr. S.Boldsaikhan, Secretary-General of the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO.
Opening speech of H.E. Mr. B.Bat-Erdene, Minister of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia
H.E. Mr. B.Bat-Erdene, Minister of Environment and Tourism for Mongolia, welcomed the delegates from the EABRN member countries and expressed the honour of hosting the meeting in Mongolia. He highlighted the importance of preservation of nature and biodiversity as well as the role of BRs in this regard. He assured the continuous efforts of Mongolia to the implementation of the MAB programme and to the advancement of the activities related to the sustainable development in the BRs at national level, as well as in the East Asian countries through the implementation of the national policies including the “Vision 2050 Mongolia's long-term development policy" and the "One Billion Trees'' initiative. He concluded his speech by wishing all the participants an enjoyable and successful meeting and field trip.

Opening speech of Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director, UNESCO office in Beijing
Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO office in Beijing, welcomed H.E. Mr. B.Bat-Erdene, Minister of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia, Mr. D.Batmunkh, Director of Protected Area’s Management Department, Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia, Mr. S.Boldsaikhan, Secretary-General of Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO and the guests and participants of the EABRN member countries and thanked Mongolia and the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO for the organisation and hosting of the event. He highlighted the importance of BRs as well as cooperation and exchange of EABRN member countries for the implementation of the Lima Action plan. He also confirmed UNESCO’s commitment to support Member States to extend and reinforce this network of well-managed BRs across the seven EABRN member countries.

Opening speech of Mr S.Boldsaikhan, Secretary-General, Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO
Mr. S.Boldsaikhan, Secretary General of the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, welcomed all the participants on behalf of the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO to the 16th EABRN meeting. He expressly thanked all the organizers and supporting organizations of the meeting including the Office of the President of Mongolia, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, UNESCO office in Beijing, the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea and the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, TNC office in Mongolia and all the other national and local organizations for their continuous cooperation. He highlighted the link between Mongolia’s policy on environmental conservation and the MAB Strategy for 2015-2025, and the Lima Action Plan for 2016-2025 and assured Mongolia’s active participation in the activities concerning the MAB programme in the future as it did in the past. He closed his speech by wishing success to the meeting.

After the opening speeches, Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director, UNESCO Office in Beijing, handed over the certificates of the Uvs Lake Depression TBR (2021) and Khuvsgul Lake BR (2022) to the related national authorities.
