MAB-Kazakhstan: Prof. Roman Jashenko, Chairman of the Kazakhstan National MAB Committee
Prof. Roman Jashenko, Chairman of the Kazakhstan National MAB Committee, presented the general goals of the MAB program and the 15 existing BRs in Kazakhstan. He pointed out the potential for further development of BRs in Central Asia as there are no BRs established yet in Tajikistan and only a few in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Prof. Jashenko introduced the 5 BRs of Kazakhstan, which were established between 2020 and 2022, including the zonation maps of the BRs. He further presented the potential BRs and transboundary BRs in Kazakhstan. Prof. Jashenko also introduced other activities such as publications, including posters on endangered species, information banners on BRs, and translation of fundamental documents of the UNESCO IAB. He highlighted the incorporation of young people into the MAB program, e. g. selecting youth as ambassadors and as members of the MAB committee.

MAB-China: Mr. Ning Liu, Deputy Director of Division of International Organization Affairs, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Mr. Ning Liu presented the activities of MAB China on the national level, including the renewal of the organisational structure, testing modern technologies in nature conservation, capacity building workshops and recruitment of youth volunteers for BRs.
On the international level, MAB China published the results of wildlife monitoring by using modern technologies through an online seminar, organised the exhibition “The beauty of life on earth” with UNESCO Beijing office, and is applying to host the World Congress of Biosphere Reserves (WCBR) in 2025.

MAB-ROK: Ms. Song Yi Yu, Programme Officer, Korea National Park Service
Ms. Song Yi Yu introduced the MAB committee of the Republic of Korea, which consists of permanent members from government institutions, the Korean National Park service, and UNESCO National Commission and social and natural sciences experts, who are elected for 2-year-terms. She introduced the 9 existing BRs and their main activities in the last two years, such as the 50th anniversary of the MAB programme, photography and report contests, launching a youth forum and BR tour program for capacity building and awareness raising activities such as online seminars and translation and publication of guidelines and reports.

MAB-Mongolia: Mr. D. Batmunkh, Director, Protected Area’s Management Department (PAMD), Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Mr. Batmunkh presented the activities of the Mongolian National Committee from 2019 to 2022. He introduced the composition of the Mongolian MAN National Committee and the newly registered Biosphere Reserves of Mongolia in the last 3 years including the Toson-Khulstai BR, Uvs Lake Depression TBR and Khuvsgul Lake BR. He also highlighted the publications and translations, which were published during the years of COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of his presentation, he introduced the planned activities of the Mongolian National MAB Committee in the coming 2 years, including nomination of new sites.

MAB-Russia: Mr. Valery M. Neronov, Deputy Chair, Russian MAB Committee
As Dr Valery M. Neronov could not attend the 16th meeting of the EABRN in person, Prof. Roman Jashenko, Chairman of the Kazakhstan National MAB Committee, introduced the country report (PPT file) of the MAB-Russia.
MAB-Japan: Mr. Takumi Akiyama, City College of Science Yokohama National University
Mr. Takumi Akiyama introduced the promotion system of MAB program in Japan, which includes several networks such as the Japan Inter University Network for MAB Program (JU-MAB), the Japanese Biosphere Reserves Network (JBRN), and cooperation with different actors in the private sector. Secondly, he presented the Mount Hakusan BR as a case study, which focuses on biodiversity, collaboration with UNESCO associated schools, and traditional culture. He mentioned that the BR is taking actions with regard to the protection of the native plants through removing non-native plants. In addition, he highlighted the involvement of students in maintaining the BR and distributing knowledge about it and there is production of traditional silk woven clothes in the transition area.

Wrap up
To wrap up the day, Prof. Roman Jashenko briefly went through the agenda. He started with thanking H. E. Mr. B. Bat-Erdene for opening this meeting, and highlighted the value of having the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) at the EABRN meeting, especially for Mongolia, as it shows the involvement of the government into the MAB programme and its development. Additionally, Prof. Roman Jashenko proposed to discuss the development of international cooperation in scientific research, particularly in relation to monitoring, so that the same approaches can be used in the different countries of the network.
Dr. Miguel Cluesener-Godt mentioned the “30 by 30 challenge”, which has the goal to protect 30% of the world’s territory and to have 10% of the world’s territory is strictly protected. He underlined the applicability of this challenge in the BRs, as the core zone and buffer zone together would contribute to the 10% goal of strictly protected areas and the transition zone would contribute to the 30% goal of protected areas. He suggested using this concept in the UNESCO designated sites and highlighted the advantage of this approach.